Change Consulting

Organizational Development and Coaching

Running a company is complex. You might ask yourself: What kind of company do we want to be?  Will we be agile or lean or whatever is next? What kind of leadership style do I want to have as manager? Those are the questions we can help you answer.

As a scale-up, we’re used to experimenting with new management and leadership forms. So we go beyond that standard answers you might get from the big players in change consulting. As graphic recorders, we’ve captured dozens of conversations about how change impacts both the management and the staff. As trainers and facilitators, we’ve had the opportunity to see and make change happen in a variety of organisations.

That’s why we offer unequalled strategic support for organizations and companies that find themselves in transition. Through engaged storytelling, visualisation and co-creation practices, people involved in the transformation feel empowered, heard and actually realise new behaviors.

Augmented Reality (AR)

What is it?

Augmented Reality is adding a digital layer on top of a printed document (graphic recording, infographic, manual…). Using your phone or your tablet you will be able to see or hear extra information like images, videos and webpages. You just need a portable machine with a camera and an internet connection.



It’s nothing new. AR applications have been around for decades. Despite all of the promise, it is only now since the rise of powerful smartphone technology that AR is ready to unleash its potential.

When to use it?

You might have noticed that the reality around is multi-layered and dynamic. Yet, most of the time we are trapped in static, single-layer, two-dimensional pages. Hence, Augmented Realiy works best on printed materials like posters, infographics, graphic recording and manualsSo, when does it makes sense to add AR to our design work:

  • You don’t have enough space to add all the information ;
  • You want extra information that is not relevant for everybody;
  • You want pictures, video, sound or webpage on a static page
  • You want to add interactivity
  • You need to update the information regularly 

Hassle free!

We are convinced that Augmented Reality only contributes to a project if it is user-friendly. So, if at all possible we work with tools that:

  • Require No APP
  • Works on all phones
  • Instant appearance of the visuals

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