Well... ergh… mmhhh… it depends
It has only been 1 year since we collectively shifted our work life online. And yet we already embedded new habits, like using the same video conferencing tool for every type of online meeting. But are all online meeting platforms fit for all purposes? And how do you know which one to choose?
Choosing the right ’space’ for a meeting
We facilitate creative, interactive and participatory workshops! These meetings often require a different space than the usual meeting room down the hall… Prior to COVID, for in-person meetings, we would ask ourselves:
- How many people fit in the space?
- Is the building accessible?
- Are there break-out rooms?
- Is there daylight in the room
- Can we move the tables around?
- Are there flipcharts available?
- etc.
You get the point…
Some meetings need a different meeting space
For us, the process of choosing the platform for your online meeting isn’t any different from choosing the ‘room’ or the ‘venue’ for an in-person meeting. This is a conscious process, informed by the meeting objectives, including all stakeholders.
We’ve noticed that way too often, this conscious reflection is skipped when organizing online meetings. The choice of meeting platform is often driven by IT or procurement.
But imagine holding your creative teambuilding in the standard, often boring meeting room down the hall?

Some online meetings require extra features!
From now on consider the following: in the list of questions above, look at those as your software features. And the space or the venue you’re choosing, that’s comparable with the platform for your online meeting!
Remember this: some meetings need a different meeting space! Also virtually.
It’s clear that not all online meeting platforms are fit for all purposes, and you should select the appropriate platform to suit your needs.

Want to know where to start?
Download the checklist for free!
We can help?
Let’s have a virtual coffee.